Upgrade Jiofi FirmwareOn this page, you can find an easy and plain guide, which will help you learn how you can easily upgrade JioFi 2/3 firmware to the latest version. Whole upgrade process is free and simple, it should be done with no problem at all. Upgrade JioFi firmware to the latest version…

If you are asking yourself what will upgrading the firmware of your JioFi router provide you with, and is it really necessary, here you will can some helpful information. Upgraded version will ensure you more stable and faster Internet speed, and a bunch of new useful features. The current firmware version (which is PEG_M2_B20) has a lot of issues. Those problems can be easily fixed with simple upgrading. Besides Internet speed and connection, overheating of the routers and impossibility to enter the DNS address manually, can be fixed with a firmware update. 

Note: You should know that there are some things which need to be done before you update your JioFi routers. 

  • 1 – The latest version of JioFi firmware has to be available.
  • 2 – Your router’s battery must be fully charged.
  • 3 – You will need manufacturer defaults logins to be able to enter admin dashboard first time after the router’s reboot.

Updating JioFi Firmware to Latest Version Step by Step

If you have completed all of the above, then you can start following the steps below:

  • 1 – Start your router and connect PC with the JioFi WiFi network.
  • 2 – Click on this link http://jiofi.local.html/index.htm will open you the Admin dashboard, where you should enter the valid username and password and log in.
  • 3 – As soon as you log in, tap on ‘Setting’ and click on ‘firmware Upgrade’ from the following menu.
  • 4 – By clicking on ‘Device Software Version’, you should be able to check the latest installed firmware version.
  • 5 – Right after, click on ‘Browse’, under ‘Software upgrade’ and choose the location where JioFi firmware is accessible, and select it.
  • 6 – For now on, you worked on selection the update version. After you done that and selected the firmware, you need to click on ‘Apply’ to start upgrading process.
  • 7 – Now you wait. It needs a few moments to finish process, and when it successfully ends, your router will reboot automatically.
  • 8 – After that, you are supposed to hard reset your JioFi router to restore factory settings.
  • 9 – Connect your PC or mobile to the latest firmware version on your JioFi router.

Since you, in the step 8, restored the default settings, you can’t log in without factory default logins. This is only necessary for the first time, after you enter admin panel, you can change your username and password. 

If you followed all previous steps properly, nothing can go wrong and you will successfully update the firmware of your router to the latest version available. Still, if there are any issues with this process, be free to contact us through comment section, all of your questions will be answered.

How to upgrade JioFi Firmware video tutorial

If you did not understood any of those steps, here comes the same tutorial in video ! Easier to follow, maybe…

You can also read this useful article: How to increase JioFi slow internet speed

How to Upgrade JioFi 2/3 Firmware Tips
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